A Comparative Investigation of Physical and Physiological Components of Team Game Athletes from Northeast and South India





Physical Fitness, North East, South India, Speed, Endurance, Explosive Strength, Flexibility, Agility, Intra Cellular Water, Extra Cellular Water, Minerals, Protein Level, Body Mass Index, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Body Fat Mass, Muscle Quality, Visceral Fat, Health Score & Minerals




This study aims to compare the specific components of physical fitness among North-East and South Indian team sports athletes. Methods: To accomplish the research, a total of 30 athletes were taken as subjects, 15 from the north-east and 15 from south India, studying at the Central University of Punjab Bathinda, lying between the age of 22-25 years and having at least three years of playing experience and a minimum of collegiate level participation.        The sampling was done through the purposive sampling technique, and the research design used was descriptive research. The physical and physiological variables were undertaken to fulfil the purpose of the study. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation were used to describe the important data characteristics. T-ratio (two-tailed) was used to determine the relationship between North-east and South Indian team sports athletes. The level of significance was set at 0.05 level of Significance. Conclusion:  The independent two-tailed t-test revealed significant differences in agility, flexibility, body fat mass, visceral fat, and body mass index between team game athletes from Northeast and South India.           


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How to Cite

Kumar, R., Dr. Binthu Mathavan. S, & Singh, D. S. (2024). A Comparative Investigation of Physical and Physiological Components of Team Game Athletes from Northeast and South India. Indian Journal of YOGA Exercise & Sport Science and Physical Education, 9(2), 55–60. https://doi.org/10.58914/ijyesspe.2024-9.2.9



