Management of Sports Activities at the University Level for Popularizing and Promoting Sports Culture in India




University Sports Activities, Sports Management, Sports Promotion, Sports Development


Sports have been recognized as an indispensable part of a university in India, which can generate feelings of national pride and identity. Developing and promoting sports culture and creating a vibrant sports atmosphere at the university level is critical to professionally managing university sports activities. Jadavpur University, as an Indian university, adopted some significant steps to manage university sports activities for developing and promoting the Indian sports culture. Some criteria were recommended in this university sports policies, like sports quota admission, relaxation of percentage/marks/ranks, and attendance after university participation in sports.
Several plans were executed to motivate sportspersons, such as a sports inspiration program, enhancement of allowances, special incentives to the medal winners, the award for best sports person trophy, releasing sports activities report annually, and induction of a sports board tag on the university website.

For professional staff resource management of sports, various qualified part-time coaches, trainers, and instructors are appointed for different sports events as and when required. There are sports board members and technical and supportive staff to perform the functional activities of university sports.
Several methods were applied to manage sports facilities by providing hiring and support services, inculcating informal events, organizing intra-mural sports activities, conducting university coaching programs, celebrating Independence Week with sports events, etc.
Several initiatives were taken to manage sports infrastructure and funds for implementing sports fees, undertaking sports projects, hosting A.I.U. Inter-university events with sponsorship, collaborative sports programs with other organizations, and joint sports ventures with commercial companies.
It was observed that after implementing all the above activities, the number of sports participants and achievements had increased, sports facilities and infrastructure developed, the economic growth of the University improved, and the progressive promotion of sports culture reached a new height.


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How to Cite

Konar, A. (2023). Management of Sports Activities at the University Level for Popularizing and Promoting Sports Culture in India. Indian Journal of YOGA Exercise & Sport Science and Physical Education, 8(1), 18–24.



