Effectiveness of Conditioning Program on Cardio-respiratory Fitness and Self-concept of Obese Adolescent Male


  • Mritunjoy Das Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Seva Bharati Mahavidyalaya, Jhargram, West Bengal.




Obesity, BMI, Cardio-respiratory fitness, Self-concept, Conditioning program


Obesity is a worldwide epidemic, with prevalence rates doubling over the last 15-20 years, and India has the second highest number of obese children in the world, with 14.4 million. Considering the importance of obesity, the problem has been stated as – the ‘Effect of conditioning program on cardiorespiratory fitness and self-concept of obese Adolescent males.’ The main objective of this study was- to observe the effect of 12 weekly conditioning training programs on Cardio-respiratory fitness and Self-concept of obese Adolescent males. A total of 40 obese adolescent males were selected, and their ages ranged between 15 to 17 years. The 12-minute Cooper test and standardized six-dimensional self-concept questionnaire of Prof Raj Kumar Saraswat were considered criterion measures. The BMI was used to classify the subjects into two equal groups (i.e.-Con-1and Exe-1), pair sample designing was developed, and the initial information was collected; then 12-week conditioning program was given to the Experimental group. After 12 weeks of training, the post-test information was collected from both the Control and Experimental group, and the descriptive statistical procedure ANCOVA method was applied to get better results. The following conclusions were drawn –This study showed a significant effect on cardio-respiratory fitness and Self-concept of Obese adolescent males.


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Dr. Mritunjoy Das Effectiveness Of Conditioning Program On Cardio-respiratory Fitness

And Self-concept Of Obese Adolescent Male




How to Cite

Das, M. (2023). Effectiveness of Conditioning Program on Cardio-respiratory Fitness and Self-concept of Obese Adolescent Male. Indian Journal of YOGA Exercise & Sport Science and Physical Education, 8(1), 33–41. https://doi.org/10.58914/ijyesspe.2023-8.1.5



