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Current Issue

2024: Vol-9 Special Issue
Published: 24-07-2024


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Indian Journal of Yoga Exercise & Sport Science and Physical Education

IJYESSPE is a peer reviewed, referred and open access journal starting from 2022. It is indexed in authentic national and international organisations/institutions

It is a Bi-Annual publication of Social Science. The following broad subject headings: i. Yoga, ii. Exercise Science, iii. Sport Science, iv. Physical Education articles in the English language will be accepted


To protect, preserve and scientifically promote UNESCO recognized intangible cultural heritage like Yoga, Vyayama (Exercise), Krida (Sport) and traditional games within modern days life style.  


    • To publish original research and review articles on Yoga; Exercise & Sports Science; Physical Education; Traditional Sport; Recreational  Games
    • To publish review of new books in these area
    • Articles about scientific interment and tools related to these area
    • Para and special Olympic games

Submit Your Article in the following areas:

    • Social Science
    • Yoga
    • Exercise Science
    • Sport Science
    • Physical Education
    • Traditional Sport
    • Para and Special Olympic Sport
    • Recreational Games
    • Indian Knowledge System